Use Kiterunner to find API endpoints. Kiterunner needs to be built locally and uses go. Kiterunner is in wide use for OSINT API reconnaissance, but has not be updated in three years.
Use a DOS or Powershell terminal to launch a Linux terminal:
Install prerequisites.
sudo apt install make
sudo apt install golang-go
Get and build Kiterunner.
git clone
cd kiterunner
make build
Create an alias (kr) for Kiterunner.
sudo ln -s $(pwd)/dist/kr /usr/local/bin/kr
Review wordlists for use by Kiterunner to find common api routes.
kr wordlist list
Run a scan against a running OWASP Juice Shop. This command uses the first 20,000 words in the apiroutes-240128 wordlist. It uses ten concurrent requests per host; the default is 3.
kr scan -A=apiroutes-240428:20000 -x 10 --ignore-length=34 --fail-status-codes 404
Run the scan against the local OWASP Juice Shop.
kr scan https://localhost:88 -A=apiroutes-240428:20000 -x 10 --ignore-length=34 --fail-status-codes 404
Optional. Replay a request. Replace the text in the quotes with the output of a 200 response from the prior run. NOTE: There may be a bug which prevents successful completion.
go run ./cmd/kiterunner kb replay "GET 200 [ 80220, 3235, 1] 2dpmnJyrnny32octfJuK7zz3n7l"