
Overwrite Content Security Policy Header

  1. Navigate to https://localhost:88 or https://demo.owasp-juice.shop.

  2. Log in with a Juice Shop account.

  3. A forced directory search, nikto scan, or other scan finds the /profile subdirectory. Manually navigate to it.

  4. Enter this following value in Username:


    This is sanitized, but the sanitizer is naive.

  5. Enter the following in Username:

  6. Set the Image URL field to https://placekitten/300/300.

  7. Note that the Content-Security-Header on the response page contains an entry like:

     /assets/public/images/uploads/22.jpg; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval' https://code.getmdl.io http://ajax.googleapis.com
  8. Submit http://not.an.image/image.png in the Image URL and view the response:

     http://not.an.image/image.png; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval' https://code.getmdl.io http://ajax.googleapis.com
  9. Now submit the following text for the Image URL:

     http://not.an.image/image.png script-src 'unsafe-inline' 'self' 'unsafe-eval' https://code.getmdl.io http://ajax.googleapis.com